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There are 7 types of Certificate of origin, do you know all of them?

  1.General certificate of originThat is, we often say CO(CERTIFICATEOFORIGIN), is a certificate of origin that proves the production place and production place of export goods, and proves the origin of goods in international trade acts。Under certain circumstances, importing countries give different tariff treatment to imported products。

  According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Origin of Import and Export Goods, China can apply for a general certificate of origin。

  In other words, any country can do CO;

  2.GSP certificate of origin concept: GSP certificate of origin (Generalizedsystemofpreferticateoforigin,FORMA/GSPFORMA) is implemented under a system of tariff preferences imposed by developed countries on developing countries,Preferential treatment of Certificate of origin。Using format A, the certificate color is yellow。Foreign trade can be referred to as FORMA or GSPFORMA。Including France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Switzerland, Norway, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Russia, Belarus (issued by the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People's Republic of China);

  3.China-asean Free Trade Area Certificate of Origin FORME:10 countries accept Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and enjoy preferential treatment under the China-Asean Free Trade Area Preferential Tariff Agreement。

There are 7 types of Certificate of origin, do you know all of them?

  4.FORMF's certificate of export of gold to Chile is called the Chilean Certificate of Origin;

  5.China Free Trade Area Certificate of Origin (FORMP)

  Pakistan may issue preferential Certificate of origin of China-Pakistan Free Trade Zone。Starting from January 1, 2006, the two sides will implement zero tariff and preferential tariff respectively for more than 3,000 tax items that have been reduced in advance。The 486 eight-digit zero-tariff products imported from China will be reduced to zero tariff in three phases over two years, and all will be reduced to zero by January 1, 2008。Tariff preferences will be granted to 486 eight-place zero-tariff products from China。

  6.Asia Pacific Agreement Certificate of Origin: The countries that can issue Asia Pacific Agreement preferential certificate of origin are South Korea, Sri Lanka, India and other three countries, the tariff preference range from 0% to 30%。

  7.Apply for EU Certificate of Origin for export of clothing or textiles to EU countries。The Union consists of 27 member states: Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria。

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